Shrouded in legend and full of prejudice – this is probably the best way to describe escort services. Many people only know the concept from films or books. However, very few have their own experience. A good combination to create many prejudices that persist.

Escort services offer exactly what is in the name: they arrange an escort. What happens then is discussed in detail beforehand. Thus, there is a lot of communication and professionalism in the escort business. This strongly contradicts the image created by the entertainment media. So what is really true?

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How an escort service works
Escort services provide a service. An escort lady (or an escort gentleman) is engaged for a previously discussed period of time. The initial contact is usually made via a website or by telephone (see: Escort in Frankfurt). This conversation also conveys what is expected from the service.

In many cases, sex is part of the package. But not always. Many people who are often on business trips are mainly looking for escorts for an evening or a weekend. Sometimes this is more about preventing loneliness than about sex. The payment depends on the duration of the service and of course on the reputation of the escort service.

This is why escort services have a bad reputation
There are several reasons why escorts still have to experience a lot of prejudice or even hostility. On the one hand, there is of course the problem that some people generally see sex as dirty and thus condemn the business itself. Then there is the fact that even without a prudish attitude, the thought of a connection between intimacy and money is unpleasant for many.

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Escort services work extremely discreetly. Which is of course very good for the clients. At the same time, however, this also leads to a somewhat disreputable image. Since some people also use escorts for flings, many see these services negatively. Then there is also the possibility of a negative experience: some dubious escort services hide costs, miss appointments or don’t treat their escorts very well – anyone who has had dealings with such a service may have a very negative experience of the industry.

How to recognise reputable escort services
In order not to come across dubious services, you should always inform yourself well before an escort date. Some service providers in Germany have an excellent reputation and have been successful for decades. Experience is important.

Serious escort services offer a lot of information before a date is even arranged. Potential costs and a discretion guarantee are obligatory. But also clear information about which occasions the service is suitable for is important. In addition, etiquette and demands on the date or the time together are discussed.

This is how an escord date works
When looking for an escort lady (or an escort gentleman), you will look for a reputable provider and express your wishes. Normally, you will then receive a selection with short profiles of the available ladies. If you have already been a customer, you can also expect pre-selected offers or request a special lady.

The meeting usually takes place in a hotel. There – especially during the first contact – it can be discussed once again what is expected of the evening, weekend or the time together. Limits, wishes, additional costs, plans for the date and more should be openly on the table.

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Then it starts already. High class escorts are usually booked for a longer period of time and not just a few hours. Thus, a date can now begin or it is driven to an event. Some people also want to have security and therefore seek conversation or closeness. In the end, escorts do exactly what is promised: A special experience according to one’s own ideas.

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